Build Secrets

You can set secrets for your applications, but these are only available at run-time. They aren’t available when building your Docker image without a little extra work.

To make a secret available at build time, we’ll use Docker secrets.

It’s a 2-step process:

  1. Mount a secret into your Dockerfile
  2. Provide the value for that secret when running fly deploy

Mounting Secrets

Mounting a secret into your Dockerfile is done within a RUN statement:

# Note: You can mount multiple secrets
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=MY_SUPER_SECRET \
    MY_SUPER_SECRET="$(cat /run/secrets/MY_SUPER_SECRET)" some_command \
    && more_commands_maybe

This creates a new file when running docker build. Secrets are stored in the /run/secrets directory. The file name is the id you passed when mounting the secret. The content of that file contains the value of the secret.

The --mount directive is not a shell command, so there’s no need to add && after it as you commonly see when chaining commands.

Secret Values

You need to provide the values of the mounted secrets when running fly deploy:

# Note: You can pass multiple secrets if you need
fly deploy \
    --build-secret MY_SUPER_SECRET=some_value

Testing Build Secrets Locally

If you want to test your Docker build locally (before deploying to, the commands to do so would look something like this:

echo -n "secret_value" > mysecret.txt

docker build --secret id=MY_SUPER_SECRET,src=mysecret.txt .