Restart an App or a Machine

All new apps on the Fly Platform are V2 Apps, running on Fly Machines. Our docs apply to V2 Apps, but we still include legacy V1 Apps info where appropriate.

We’re migrating all V1 Apps to V2 in phases. Learn more about how and why we’re getting off Nomad.

You can also migrate your V1 app yourself using our migration and migration troubleshooting tools, or migrate your V1 app manually.

Running fly deploy on an App creates a new release of the App, and restarts the Machines that it manages.

Sometimes you don’t want to update anything; you just want to reboot and start the root file system afresh. (Yes, restarting wipes the ephemeral file system, just as a fly deploy or fly machine update will.)

Restart every Machine in the App

fly apps restart <app-name> restarts all Machines in the App— Machines that belong to Fly Launch as well as any other standalone Machines you might have created within the App.

Restart an Individual Machine

If one particular Machine needs a kick, restart it using fly machine restart:

fly machine restart <machine-id>

You can provide multiple <machine-id>s to restart several Machines in one command.

On a Nomad app

On Nomad apps the equivalent is fly vm restart:

fly vm restart <instance-id> -a <app-name>