Regions runs applications physically close to users: in datacenters around the world, on servers we run ourselves. You can currently deploy your apps in 34 regions, connected to a global Anycast network that makes sure your users hit our nearest server, whether they’re in Tokyo, São Paolo, or Frankfurt.

Map showing the balloon in 34 locations across a world map Regions

Region ID Region Location Gateway* Paid Plan Only**
ams Amsterdam, Netherlands
arn Stockholm, Sweden
atl Atlanta, Georgia (US)
bog Bogotá, Colombia
bom Mumbai, India
bos Boston, Massachusetts (US)
cdg Paris, France
den Denver, Colorado (US)
dfw Dallas, Texas (US)
ewr Secaucus, NJ (US)
eze Ezeiza, Argentina
fra Frankfurt, Germany
gdl Guadalajara, Mexico
gig Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
gru Sao Paulo, Brazil
hkg Hong Kong, Hong Kong
iad Ashburn, Virginia (US)
jnb Johannesburg, South Africa
lax Los Angeles, California (US)
lhr London, United Kingdom
mad Madrid, Spain
mia Miami, Florida (US)
nrt Tokyo, Japan
ord Chicago, Illinois (US)
otp Bucharest, Romania
phx Phoenix, Arizona (US)
qro Querétaro, Mexico
scl Santiago, Chile
sea Seattle, Washington (US)
sin Singapore, Singapore
sjc San Jose, California (US)
syd Sydney, Australia
waw Warsaw, Poland
yul Montreal, Canada
yyz Toronto, Canada

* You can host your apps in any region; “Gateway” regions also have WireGuard gateways, through which you connect to your organization’s private network.

** For some higher-demand regions we restrict scaling up VMs to organizations with paid plans.

Discovering your Application’s Region

You can see the list of regions any time with fly platform regions.

You can see which regions your app is running in with fly status. storage volumes are tied to the region they’re created in.

When an application instance is started, the three-letter name for the region it’s running in is stored in the VM’s FLY_REGION environment variable. This, along with other Runtime Environment information, is visible to your app running on that instance.