Run Machines with flyctl

We talk up the Machines API for running user code, for ephemeral jobs, or both. Fly Machines are also the VM building blocks for V2 of the app-platform-as-a-service offering.

flyctl provides commands for managing individual Machines from the CLI, on a level more granular than fly deploying an app.

This Document is Stale!

This document illustrates some ways to work with Fly Machines individually using flyctl, and was written before Fly Apps V2 made it possible to manage Machines as a group, using a fly.toml config file and fly deploy. For most web apps, the Fly Apps docs are a better place to start!

The fly machine command docs are another good resource.

Elements of a Machines Web App

To get a single Machine running a stateless app, and serving it to the world at <app-name>, you need to assemble the following pieces:

  1. A Machines-flavoured Fly App—you’re not using fly deploy to manage the app’s Machines, but you still need an app, as it’s the administrative entity that owns your VMs and things like anycast IPs and volumes
  2. At least an IPv4 public anycast IP address
  3. A port mapping for the HTTP service you want to expose
  4. A Docker image

We cook up VMs starting from Docker images, so you need to tell the platform how to get, or build, an image.

None of this is special for Machines; if we haven’t built a bells-and-whistles launcher for your kind of project, then you have to do it for V1 (Nomad) Apps launched with fly launch too.

The big difference here is that instead of putting an app-wide configuration into a fly.toml file and running fly deploy, we’ll incorporate per-VM config into the fly m run (AKA fly machine run) command that creates the VM.

Imagine you have a Dockerfile in the current working directory, along with maybe some source code that that Dockerfile draws on; and when you build it, you get an image for something that listens on internal port 8080. You want that to be reachable from the world on port 443, where browsers send HTTPS connections.

If you like to do things in an orderly fashion, you might want the App to have public IP addresses before you boot the Machine:

fly apps create --machines --name testrun
fly ips allocate-v4 --shared -a testrun
fly ips allocate-v6 -a testrun
fly m run . -p 443:8080/tcp:tls:http -p 80:8080/tcp:http --region yyz -a testrun

The last command configures and deploys the VM. See the . in there? That, in this case, is the path to the Dockerfile. Such a diminutive, easy-to-miss representation of everything you want to supply for the VM to run. Don’t leave it out.

Note the allocation of a shared IPv4 address above. For regular HTTP(S) web apps, shared IPv4 works fine, and helps conserve the world’s dwindling IPv4 supply (and can save you money). If your app runs other services and you need a dedicated IPv4, you can provision one by leaving out the --shared flag.

If your app doesn’t exist yet, fly m run will prompt you to create it, so you can actually do this instead:

fly m run . -p 443:8080/tcp:tls:http -p 80:8080/tcp:http --region yyz -a testrun
fly ips allocate-v4 --shared -a testrun
fly ips allocate-v6 -a testrun

Example: A Simple Public Web App

Let’s make this more concrete with an example. I want to run a tiny Python/Flask app with almost-static content.

While there’s no need to go down to the level of controlling individual Machines for a simple web app—you’d just run fly launch to get a Fly App configured and have the conveniences of fly deploy—we can do it if we want to.

Heads up! I’m also going to make a little mistake or two to help us learn our way around a Machines App.

I’ll get the code and Dockerfile from the repo:

git clone

Then I’ll go into the dir:

cd hello-gunicorn-flask

And just try it out:

fly apps create --machines --name testrun 
fly ips allocate-v4 --shared -a testrun
fly ips allocate-v6 -a testrun
fly m run . -p 443:8080/tcp:tls:http -p 80:8080/tcp:http --region yyz -a testrun

Once I get a message like this:

Success! A machine has been successfully launched in app testrun, waiting for it to be started
 Machine ID: 21781160b41d89
 State: created
Machine started, you can connect via the following private ip

I can check on my app!

fly open -a testrun

…and, I get nothing. (Note that I’m appending -a to most of my flyctl commands, because we’re not using a fly.toml for configuration, and a fly.toml in the working directory is where flyctl usually gets the app name that it thinks you’re implying when you don’t specify one.)

Browser screenshot saying 'This page isn't working; didn't send any data. ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE'

What can be wrong here?

Start with the go-to fly status -a testrun:

fly status -a testrun
  Name     = testrun          
  Owner    = personal         
  Hostname =  
  Platform = machines         

ID              STATE   REGION  HEALTH CHECKS   IMAGE                                           CREATED                 UPDATED              
21781160b41d89  started yyz                     testrun:deployment-01GMF1WS8C28CDDYAFBVHA8F0Q   2022-12-17T03:26:30Z    2022-12-17T03:26:32Z

I have a VM started. I can look for more details about it using fly m status:

fly m status 21781160b41d89 -a testrun
Machine ID: 21781160b41d89
State: started

  ID            = 21781160b41d89                                 
  Instance ID   = 01GMF1WWXBEQR0RSHAN7XVWPK4                     
  State         = started                                        
  Image         = testrun:deployment-01GMF1WS8C28CDDYAFBVHA8F0Q  
  Name          = lingering-shape-1541                           
  Private IP    = fdaa:0:3b99:a7b:aa4:3c65:c2cc:2                
  Region        = yyz                                            
  Process Group =                                                
  Memory        = 256                                            
  CPUs          = 1                                              
  Created       = 2022-12-17T03:26:30Z                           
  Updated       = 2022-12-17T03:26:32Z                           
  Command       =                                                

Event Logs
STATE   EVENT   SOURCE  TIMESTAMP                       INFO 
started start   flyd    2022-12-16T22:26:32.888-05:00
created launch  user    2022-12-16T22:26:30.338-05:00

Everything looks fine here. How about logs:

fly logs -a testrun

I see a lot of messages from the proxy like [info]Still waiting for machine to listen on (waited 43.329214343s so far) and error.message="failed to connect to fly machine: Gave up after 50 retries". So my Machine is started, but it’s not listening where I’ve told the Fly Proxy it would be. If I scroll up closer to the start of the logs:

[INFO] Listening at: (512)

Oh noes, I told Fly Proxy to send requests to internal port 8080 when all along, my process was listening on 4999!

Update the Machine configuration

If I were working with a Fly App instead of with Machines directly, I’d edit the internal port in my fly.toml and redeploy. I’ll do the Fly Machines equivalent: fly m update with the modification I want to make to the configuration.

fly m update -p 443:4999/tcp:tls:http -p 80:4999/tcp:http 21781160b41d89 -a testrun
Searching for image '' remotely...
image found: img_3mno4w881q64k18q
Image size: 54 MB

Configuration changes to be applied to machine: 21781160b41d89 (lingering-shape-1541)

      ... // 2 identical lines
                  "protocol": "tcp",
-              "internal_port": 8080,
+              "internal_port": 4999,
                  "ports": [
      ... // 8 identical lines
                  "protocol": "tcp",
-              "internal_port": 8080,
+              "internal_port": 4999,
                  "ports": [
      ... // 15 identical lines

? Apply changes? Yes
Updating machine 21781160b41d89
No health checks found
Machine 21781160b41d89 updated successfully!
==> Monitoring health checks
No health checks found

Monitor machine status here:

The VM is restarted with the updated configuration.

Now I try fly open -a testrun again, and voilà:

The web app running in the browser. It says 'Hello from a Flask app on; Or goodbye'. The word 'goodbye' is a hyperlink.

(If you’re following along and have this example app deployed, try going to https://<your-app><your-name>)

Update the Machine’s Docker image

Imagine a hypothetical future me, with several VMs running my app in different regions (to serve users around the world faster) sending a GET request to one of my App’s VMs at its private IPv6 on the internal WireGuard network, and noticing that I haven’t configured my process to listen on IPv6! To fix that, I’ll have to change something inside the Docker image, and we may as well look at that now, while we’re on the subject of fixing mistakes in Machines.

Again, with a V1 App, I’d use fly deploy for this. Can we use fly m update to rebuild and restart a Machine? Why, yes, we can!

fly m update 21781160b41d89 --dockerfile ./Dockerfile -a testrun
--> Pushing image done
Image size: 141 MB

Configuration changes to be applied to machine: 21781160b41d89 (lingering-shape-1541)

      ... // 6 identical lines
              "tty": false
-      "image": "",
+      "image": "",
          "metadata": null,
          "restart": {
      ... // 26 identical lines

? Apply changes? Yes
Updating machine 21781160b41d89
No health checks found
Machine 21781160b41d89 updated successfully!

Monitor machine status here:

This is not horrible to do manually on three instances, but pretty tedious if you have 20. There’s a better way, if all the VMs in the App are meant to be running from the same image: fly image update.

I can build a new image and push it to the image repository with:

fly deploy --image-label v2 --build-only --push -a testrun

I can skip giving it a label, but a sensible label makes the difference between doing

fly image update --image -a testrun


fly image update --image -a testrun

to update every VM on the App to the new image.

Add an instance in another region

By creating a new Machine

I can create another Machine with fly m run using the same image as the others are running, on the same App, but in a different region (use the correct port this time):

fly m run -p 443:4999/tcp:tls:http -p 80:4999/tcp:http --region syd -a testrun

By cloning a Machine

Or I can fly m clone an existing instance for the same effect (this command is in flux and will probably make more sense in the future for general VM use):

fly m clone 21781160b41d89 --region ord -a testrun
Cloning machine 21781160b41d89 into region ord
Provisioning a new machine with image
  Machine 9080567add5087 has been created...
  Waiting for machine 9080567add5087 to start...
No health checks found
Machine has been successfully cloned!

At this point I’ve deployed my app, fixed the mistakes I made while deploying it, and scaled it out to several datacentres around the world. Here are a few other things that could come in handy while administering this app:

Open a shell on a Machine

We can do this using just flyctl and user-mode WireGuard, thanks to a program called Hallpass that runs on each App VM.

You can ssh into a specific Machine with fly ssh console -s:

fly ssh console -s -a testrun
? Select VM:  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> ord: 9080567add5087 fdaa:0:3b99:a7b:8ba9:46d4:87d6:2 polished-mountain-3926
  yyz: 21781160b41d89 fdaa:0:3b99:a7b:aa4:3c65:c2cc:2 lingering-shape-1541
  lax: 9185340f472683 fdaa:0:3b99:a7b:7d16:958:b788:2 white-shape-8276

If you can ssh into it, that’s a sure sign of life. You can also make modifications from in there. Just be aware that anything you do to the root filesystem (i.e. not on a mounted Fly Volume or a separate database app) will be undone next time you start up the Machine.

Note: You can only get a console interface on a VM if there’s some sort of shell installed in your project.

Scale Down Temporarily By Stopping a VM

Use fly m stop to stop a Machine; fly m start to get it going again.

There is a subtlety here where if you have a public service defined, if the Fly Proxy happens to send a request to a stopped Machine, it will try to get it started, too. One mitigation for this is to have Machines run a main process that exits after some time idle, thus shutting down the VM. Then if the proxy wakes a VM up just for some random bot hit, it won’t stay up indefinitely.

Scale Down Permanently

Use fly m stop, then fly m remove to remove a Machines VM entirely.

Delete the app

If I want to yeet the whole App and all its Machines, IP addresses, Volumes, etc., I can run fly apps destroy on it, just like a V1 App.