Rails on Fly.io

Picture of a balloon floating through a Rails universe with a Ruby hanging from a single thread

Fly is a great place to run Rails applications, especially if you plan on running them on multiple servers around the world so your users have a fast, snappy, low-latency experience. This becomes particularly important when deploying a Hotwire Rails app.

If you have questions or comments about running Rails applications on Fly.io, create a new topic in the Fly.io community Forum and tag it with “rails” so the right people from Fly.io and our community can give you the support you need.

Getting Started

Run through the Starter Rails App guide to get a feel for what it’s like to deploy to Fly. If you’re short on time, just do the first section and you’ll have a Rails app running in just a few minutes.

The Basics

Covers everything you need to setup, run, and manage production Rails apps on Fly. These documents should give you an idea of what’s actually like day-to-day using Fly.

Advanced Guides

The topics in these documents either apply to a subset of Rails applications or are things you’d do if your application demands scale.