Fly In 2020 - A year in features (and articles)

TL:DR; Launch, Turboku, Custom Domains, Scaling, One-Click Apps, Persistent Storage, Private Networking and Wireguard VPNs.

Fly’s had an unprecedented year, along with everyone else. For us, it was bringing our Application Platform to the world, and much more. Here’s a run down of the 12 months…

January - Fly Global Application Platform launches and we declare the command line is king, especially for driving. Search parties are sent out to look for a snappier name.

February - We take Fly to Heroku apps and make them faster with Turboku. It gets Heroku apps right up to the edge of a global network, boosting TLS response times. Also that month, we roll out Cloud Native Buildpack support.

March - Custom Domains arrive, complete with a GraphQL API for managing them. We also introduce new Scaling controls for Fly applications and the Datasette starts supporting Fly.

April - One-Click Imaginary launches on Fly, letting you click and deploy an image processing service. It’s the first of a range of “one-click” services on Fly. Also in April, as Deno heads to version 1.0, Fly adds support for Deno.

May - Pausing and resuming Fly apps is now an option after we tuned up the Scale system.

June - Thomas writes about How CDNs generate Certificates and Flyctl starts speaking JSON for easier automation.

July - Static Websites with small servers are now a breeze with GoStatic and, and Thomas explains how sandboxes and workloads can be isolated and how we do it at Fly (spoiler: Firecracker VMs).

August - We add simple “builtin” builders to Flyctl for Node, Ruby, Deno, Go, and static websites.

September - Heroku databases are in this month, How to Turboku with them and How to just use them. And Flyctl gets easier to update.

October - It’s a busy month:

November - A month of examples as we show how to deploy Redis, MinIO, Gogs, and MQTT along with Node-Red and Redis with TLS. Nearly all of the examples make use of the persistent volumes of Fly.

December - It’s time for a festive feature-filled end of the year:

And that was 2020. 2021? Ssssh! Spoilers! Sign up to to be among the first to know.